Research experience
- 2022-2023: Research junior RTD-a (University of Firenze).
- 2021-2022: Research fellow (University of Trento) under the superviors of Andrea Pinamonti.
- 2020-2021: Research fellow (University of Granada) under the superviors of Manuel Ritoré.
- 2019-2020: Research fellow (University of Bologna) under the superviors of Giovanna Citti.
- 2016-2020 : PhD in Mathematics (University of Bologna and University of Granada). Advisors: Giovanna Citti and Manuel Ritoré.
- 2014-2016 : Master's degree in Mathematics (University of Bologna). Advisors: Giovanna Citti and Manuel Ritoré.
- 2011-2014 : Bachelor's degree in Mathematics (Università di Bologna). Advisor: Giovanna Citti.
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